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What are the deadlines for the ACA’s open enrollment period?
A list of the open enrollment deadlines for enrollment in 2023 ACA-compliant health insurance in every state. Open enrollment ended on January 15, 2023 in most states.

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Applying for ACA Coverage?
Understanding how small differences in projected income can have a large impact on your health plan costs can be key to obtaining affordable coverage.
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What is a health insurance broker?

Brokers and web brokers pre-date the ACA; they’ve been helping clients purchase health insurance for decades.

With the rise of the internet, many brokers became web brokers over the last couple decades, providing their clients with user-friendly, side-by-side plan comparison tool and online applications for health insurance. Brokers continue to serve an important role in helping their clients enroll in ACA-compliant health insurance.

Unlike Navigators, in-person assisters, and CACs, brokers can help people enroll in plans both on and off the exchange. Brokers are licensed by the states in which they work, and are paid commissions by health insurance carriers.

In order to be certified with the exchange (either the federally-facilited marketplace or a state-run exchange), a broker must complete the exchange certification process in addition to the state licensing requirements. Brokers continue to provide ongoing support to their clients after the enrollment process is complete.

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