Frequently-asked questions by category

What are the deadlines for the ACA’s open enrollment period?
February 3, 2023 – A list of the open enrollment deadlines for enrollment in 2023 ACA-compliant health insurance in every state. Open enrollment ended on…

If I don’t enroll in a plan by the open enrollment deadline, what are my options?
January 12, 2023 – Your options for coverage are very limited if you don't enroll in a plan by the end of open enrollment in your state. The open enrollment…

If I didn’t make changes to my plan and just let it auto-renew for January, am I stuck with it for the rest of the year?
December 20, 2022 – Q. If I don't make changes to my plan and just let it auto-renew for January, am I stuck with it for the rest of the year? A. In most…

Should I let my individual health insurance plan automatically renew?
December 20, 2022 – If you have a health plan in the individual market, on-exchange or off-exchange, you can probably just let it renew for the coming year…

Why do I have to provide my Social Security number to enroll in health insurance through the exchange?
December 15, 2022 – Your health insurance marketplace will ask you to provide your Social Security number so it can confirm that you’re lawfully present in…

Can I buy coverage in the exchange that starts January 1 and stop paying for my COBRA insurance at that point?
November 29, 2022 – Q. After I lost my job, I went on COBRA which lets me keep my former employer's insurance for 18 months. It is good insurance, but more…

What happens if I don’t make my premium payment by the end of the grace period?
November 8, 2022 – If you fail to pay your premiums and exhaust the grace period for plans offered in a health insurance marketplace, you will lose your…

Who can help if I have a problem with my ACA-compliant coverage or exchange enrollment?
June 15, 2022 – Here's where you should look for help if have trouble enrolling through a health insurance marketplace – or if you have issues with your…

If I enroll in the exchange, will that coverage take effect immediately?
May 16, 2022 – If you enroll through your marketplace your coverage effective date mostly depends on whether you're enrolling during open enrollment or a…

If I qualify for Medicaid, should I worry about the deadline for open enrollment?
December 23, 2021 – Q. I've heard that Medicaid enrollment is year-round. So if I qualify for Medicaid, I don't need to worry about the December 15 end of open…

If I’ve enrolled in a plan for the new year, can I change my mind and pick a different plan?
December 16, 2021 – Q. If I already enrolled in a plan for the new year, can I change my mind and pick a different plan instead? A. Yes, you can make multiple…

I purchased health insurance under the Affordable Care Act in Texas, but I have moved to Colorado. How do I transfer my coverage?
September 14, 2021 – If you purchased ACA-compliant health insurance in Texas and you're moving to Colorado, you'll need to select a new Colorado plan rather…