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Where do I find my 1095 tax form?
There are three different tax forms that are used by exchanges, employers, and health insurance companies, to report health insurance coverage to the IRS.

medical discount plan

What is a medical discount plan?

healthinsurance.org health insurance glossary

Medical discount plans are much less expensive than health insurance, but they do not provide any of the protections of a health insurance policy. Instead, they simply give members a discount on medical services.

The discounts are not guaranteed and can vary significantly depending on the provider and the treatment involved.  There is no cap on out-of-pocket costs with a discount plan, and they are not regulated by the ACA; regulation is left to the states instead.

Discount plans are not suitable to be a person's only medical coverage, and they aren't really necessary if you have major medical health insurance, as one of the benefits of health insurance is the built-in discount resulting from the network negotiated rates. A dental/vision discount card can still be useful in addition to regular major medical health insurance, however, as adult dental and vision services are rarely covered by health insurance plans.

Having a discount plan (if it's your only coverage) does not satisfy the Obamacare shared responsibility provision, which means you'll still be assessed the shared responsibility payment unless you're exempt from it.

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