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ACA deadline extended: Enroll by Dec. 18 for coverage effective Jan. 1.

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What are the deadlines for the ACA’s open enrollment period?
A list of the open enrollment deadlines for enrollment in 2023 ACA-compliant health insurance in every state. Open enrollment ended on January 15, 2023 in most states.
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Applying for ACA Coverage?
Understanding how small differences in projected income can have a large impact on your health plan costs can be key to obtaining affordable coverage.

The Health Wonk Scholarship

healthinsurance.org scholarship provided awards for students committed to improving healthcare system, expanding coverage

The guest post "Healthcare lessons from the ‘World’s Prison Capital’" is from Eric Schultz, winner of healthinsurance.org’s 2016 Health Wonk Scholarship.

The Health Wonk Scholarship recognized the work of students in many disciplines who are working to improve population health and improve the quality of health insurance coverage for all Americans.

By disseminating the contributions of scholarship entrants winners, healthinsurance.org also sought to increase public awareness of the importance of expanding access to affordable, quality health insurance coverage.

Essays from Health Wonk Scholarship winners

2016 Gold Winner Eric SchultzHealthcare lessons from the ‘World’s Prison Capital’
2015 Gold Winner Karan ChhabraHoles in the National Safety Net
2014 Gold Winner Simon F. HaederObamacare: A Stepping Stone?

Please note that the Health Wonk Scholarship has been discontinued and we are not accepting applications – nor do we have plans to accept applications or award scholarships.

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