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Where do I find my 1095 tax form?
There are three different tax forms that are used by exchanges, employers, and health insurance companies, to report health insurance coverage to the IRS.

The HSA: ‘Swiss Army knife’ of tax-advantaged accounts?

The swiss army knife of tax-advantaged accounts

According to a 2017 survey, approximately 22 million Americans had chosen to use a health savings account coupled with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) to pay for healthcare costs. And the number of open health savings accounts has continued to grow every year.

Explaining the increased interest – and enrollment – in HSA-qualified health plans coupled with HSAs isn't difficult when one takes a closer look at this financial tool and an impressive array of benefits that HSAs can offer.

If you're considering a health savings account, but you're on the fence about whether it's the right move for you, here are 10 HSA advantages to keep in mind.

(Click on the image – or this link – for a larger version of this infographic.)

Explaining the growth in health savings account enrollment isn't difficult when one takes a closer look at this financial tool and an impressive array of benefits they offer to people willing and able to use them.

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