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Created in 1994, healthinsurance.org is one of the longest running sources of in-depth information about health insurance for consumers. Back then – when web sites were really just picking up steam – the site was known as the Health Insurance Resource Center.

About healthinsurance.org

Since 1994, a trusted source of information about health insurance

Created in 1994, healthinsurance.org is one of the longest running sources of in-depth information about health insurance for consumers. Back when web sites were really just picking up steam, the site was known as the Health Insurance Resource Center.

A guide to affordable individual health insurance

In 2008, when President Barack Obama made comprehensive health reform one of his top priorities, healthinsurance.org expanded its content – and its team of writers – to focus intently on health reform. Americans curious about the hotly debated health reform legislation – which ultimately became the Affordable Care Act – could rely on the site for expert analysis and about the law and its implications.

Analysis from health insurance – and policy – experts

Contributors to our site include a cadre of respected health policy and reform experts whose analysis has garnered national media attention – and the ears of the nation’s political leaders. Among them:

Louise NorrisLouise Norris, who – as an individual health insurance agent – brings an insider’s perspective to coverage and analysis of health reform. Norris is author of The Insider’s Guide to Obamacare’s Open Enrollment and her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

Harold PollackEconomist and health policy educator Harold Pollack, who has published widely at the interface between poverty policy and public health. His analysis of health policy has appeared in the New Republic, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Beast, American Prospect, Washington Monthly, and other publications.

Wendell PotterWendell Potter, who left his position as head of communications for Cigna to advocate for comprehensive health care reform. His contributions on this site – and at major media outlets – are clear evidence of his passion for reform and his disgust over insurance industry practices of the ‘good old days‘ before Obamacare.

Andrew SprungAndrew Sprung, who blogs about politics and policy – and particularly healthcare policy – at xpostfactoid. His articles about the rollout of the Affordable Care Act have appeared in The Atlantic and The New Republic and his analysis of ACA’s metal plans earned him the National Institute of Health Care Management’s 2016 Digital Media Award.

Charles GabaACASignups.net founder Charles Gaba who has been live-tracking Obamacare enrollments since the exchanges launched in October 2013. His work has been cited by major publications from the Washington Post and Forbes to the New York Times as being the most reliable source available for up-to-date, accurate ACA enrollment data in the country.

Linda BergtholdLinda Bergthold, a healthcare consultant and researcher, and advocate of healthcare reform for more than two decades. She was a member of the Clinton Health Reform Task Force and head of the Obama health care blog team. She blogs about reform for the Huffington Post and provides editorial support for a major national health care consulting firm.

Our health policy panel

Editorial reviews (as noted next to bylines of selected content) are provided by a member of our health policy panel, which includes Louise Norris, Harold Pollack, Andrew Sprung, and Charles Gaba.

Contributions from leading health advocates

Our blog has also hosted guest analysis from respected health reform advocacy organizations such as Families USA, Doctors for America and the Center for American Progress and from other organizations committed to improving access to affordable health insurance. Guests bloggers have included political leaders committed to expanding access to coverage, including former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, Colorado State Sen. Irene Aguilar, M.D. and Kansas State Sen. Barbara Bollier, M.D.
Consumer advocacy groupsWe actively seek guests posts from organizations that share our common goals: to educate Americans about the healthcare system and to give them a thorough understanding of how the ACA will help them, to help dispel myths and scare tactics about the law, and in doing so, encourage millions to embrace reform and, when possible, enroll in Obamacare’s exchanges.

We aren’t afraid to bite the hand that feeds us

As an IHC Company, we are under common ownership with a group of insurance agencies and marketers, and insuretech businesses. Nevertheless, HIO operates independently and not at the behest of any insurance agency or carrier. We’re compensated by partners who offer health quoting services on our site. This allows us to hire bright people, invest in a robust technology platform to deliver this site for you, and continue our mission to make health insurance more understandable and available to more people.

We aren’t a non-profit, but we have the heart and soul of one. No one in the health insurance industry has any editorial control over our site. The editors of healthinsurance.org continue a long-standing mission to be watchdogs of the health insurance industry. Views expressed are those of our editors, and may not be shared by other sites we link to or partner with. Advocacy or opinion pieces are issue-specific, and should not be considered an endorsement of any particular elected official, political party or ideology.

Opinions by our bloggers and other writers are those of the bylined author and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of healthinsurance.org. While we sometimes strive to be provocative, we always seek to be fair, accurate and complete in our coverage.

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