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How sunsetting ARP’s subsidy enhancements would affect ACA subsidy amounts
The American Rescue Plan's enhancements to the Affordable Care Act's health insurance subsidies will continue long after the end of the COVID SEP. That means that when you do have an opportunity to buy coverage again, you'll likely find individual health insurance much less expensive than you might have expected.

The COVID SEP ended in most states. The ARP is still making premiums more affordable.

The American Rescue Plan's health insurance affordability provisions are still in effect – and for many, enrollment is still possible now.

special enrollment period for birth of a child

Although August 15 marked the end of a one-time COVID-related special enrollment period (SEP) for marketplace health insurance in most states, the enhanced subsidies that enticed millions of consumers are still available for many individual-market buyers (as noted below, the SEP is ongoing in some states).

The American Rescue Plan's enhancements to the Affordable Care Act's health insurance subsidies will continue long after the end of the COVID SEP. That means that when you do have an opportunity to buy coverage again – either through open enrollment or due to a personal qualifying life event – you'll likely find individual health insurance much less expensive than you might have expected.

The ARP's affordability provisions are still helping with premiums

As we've noted over the past few months, the American Rescue Plan included numerous provisions that make ACA-compliant plans more affordable than ever. The additional health insurance subsidy enhancements delivered by the ARP include:

All of those benefits continue to be available. The additional subsidies based on unemployment compensation continue through the end of 2021, while the other subsidy enhancements will be available through the end of 2022 (and possibly longer, if Congress extends them).

How popular are the ARP's subsidy enhancements?

HHS reported last week that more than 2.5 million people had already enrolled in coverage during the COVID-related special enrollment period, and that another 2.6 million existing marketplace enrollees had activated their ARP subsidies.

Among all of the new enrollees, average after-subsidy premiums were just $85/month, as opposed to $117/month before the ARP’s subsidies became available. And across all of the new and renewing enrollees, about 35% had obtained coverage with after-subsidy premiums of less than $10/month.

That illustrates how substantial premium subsidies have become under the ARP. And again, nothing has changed about those subsidies: the special enrollment window has ended in most states, but the subsidies are still available if you’re eligible to enroll for the remainder of 2021 — and again during open enrollment for 2022, which starts November 1.

So if you’re in a state where enrollment is still open, or if you’re eligible for an individual special enrollment period in any state, it’s certainly in your best interest to see what plan options are available to you.

Enrolling as soon as you’re eligible will mean that you’re able to start taking advantage of the ARP’s subsidies right away, rather than having to wait for open enrollment and coverage that starts in 2022.

States where enrollment continues

Although the COVID SEP ended on August 15 in the states that use HealthCare.gov – and some of the states that run their own exchanges – enrollment is still actually ongoing in several states:

Enrollment if you have a qualifying life event

Not in one of those states? Special enrollment periods are available to individuals who experience a wide range of "life changes." The most common trigger for a personal SEP is a loss of other coverage — usually job-based coverage.

(Note that there's usually only a 60-day window to enroll in a new plan after losing other coverage. But HealthCare.gov is making an exception for people who lost their coverage as long ago as January 2020, if they missed their enrollment deadline because they were "impacted by the COVID-19 emergency." People who need to utilize this flexibility have to call the marketplace directly to qualify for a special enrollment period on a case-by-case basis.)

In addition to a loss of coverage, there are also other situations in which you’ll qualify for a SEP. They include events such as the birth or adoption of a child, marriage (as long as at least one spouse already had minimum essential coverage), or even your grandmothered or grandfathered plan coming up for renewal.

More opportunities to enroll in ACA-compliant coverage

In addition to the states with ongoing COVID-related enrollment periods and the individual SEPs triggered by qualifying life events, there are other circumstances under which you might still be eligible to enroll in affordable health coverage:

Mark your calendar for 2022 open enrollment

If you don't have an enrollment period now, be sure to mark your calendar for the start of open enrollment on November 1. That’s when you’ll be able to sign up for health coverage that will take effect in January, with coverage for essential health benefits and pre-existing conditions. During open enrollment, your medical history won’t matter, and neither will your coverage history.

And if you’re already enrolled in an ACA-compliant plan – or soon will be – you’ll still want to pay attention to open enrollment this fall. There are new insurers joining the marketplaces in many areas, which might have an unexpected effect on your premium subsidy. And even if you’re happy with the plan you have now, you might find that a different plan works better for the coming year.

Fortunately, the ARP’s subsidy enhancements will continue to be available for 2022. So if you’re eligible for subsidies – and most people are – your coverage for next year is likely to be quite affordable.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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